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Bridge to the Smart Child and Exeed

If at epoch ahead endow the estae which do not used up during seven generation can make the parent feel the peace of child future will its, hence these days that matter have been replaced a education. Estae at one time can used up, but knowledge and skill obtained education will never lose. Therefore, a lot of old fellow ready to hold the bag any kind of, so long as its child obtain;get the good education. And, if can, after the time/date of early.

Speak the insufficient child education problem in fact limited to forging cognate ability, knowledge heaping, or simply improving potency of intelegensi or Intellegence Quotient ( IQ). Socialization And forming of Emotional Intelligence ( EI) become the something else which must diemban by education systems. As respects to values cultivation accompanied the understanding of ethic kindness so that especial target instruction and education till a self-supporting and adult human being can be reached

Thereby in learning a child not merely memorizing, considering, and understanding theory but expected also application able to all that in real life. In term UNESCO learn that is to know, to do, to be, and to live together.


Antarina SF Amir, Managing Director High / scope Indonesia say that all education form, good that informal and also formal have to be drawn up to educate a individual in making a choice and ugly based for knowledge got at school, society, family, friend, or from literature. So that thereby adulthood and independence a individual can be existed.

Farther He explain that there is two big paradigm exist in in the world of education, first paradigm behavioristik which see that process learn is like behaviour, become must be done repeatedly until that human being able to, and paradigm konstruktivis saying that somebody can develop;build its own knowledge and non formed by others.

" If systems first, we learn that its teacher stand up and explain, nonstop given the practice. If can follow what teacher word mean you have a gift for the. Result from this theory is high academic achievement, test the high score, but he/she become the professional which skilled worker. Later;Then people start to bolt the, people have started to change that learning is concerning investigation and enquire. Become the child have a gift for theoritical of this study is productive and creative. And its end result become the inventor, creative desainer in the field of science, art and technological, becoming leader which inovatif and become the entrepreneur," say Antarina

this paradigm Konstruktivis later;then open the new discourse about way of learning democratic whereabout teacher and pupil can each other being happened the process learn and teach the. Teacher non single handle of knowledge authority in class, child can be given the independence to learn by exploiting immeasurable source learn adequate, given the firmness and motivate.


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